A series of album covers for the Portland, OR based ambient electronic music label I co-founded with Jason Schwab, which we used as a platform to promote under-served music in our creative circle, release music we loved and to book and produce a monthly live show and regularly host touring guests for larger showcases.
We focused early on creating a consistent brand and layout system which slowly evolved over time, inspired by classical jazz labels and paperback publishers, which was adapted to a variety of formats and conditions. All physical editions were hand created and printed (using screen printing, custom rubber stamping, and even laser etched card board) ourselves.
You can find all these albums and learn more at http://lifelikefamily.bandcamp.com/
The music is owned by its respective creators and largely released under a creative commons license for a donation based price
Design and artwork are by Ryan Lawrance McGreer, aside from Andrew Weathers - One Day We'll Find the Valley which features original artwork by Gretchen Korsmo